What is AED?

What is an AED?
What is AED?

AED Stands for Automated External Defibrillator

An AED is a portable device that is used to diagnose and treat ventricular fibrillation (VF) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT). The AED works by sending a shock through the victim’s chest to stop these life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. This allows the heart to re-establish a sustainable pulse. AED’s are designed for both read more

Life After a Heart Attack

Life After a Heart Attack
Life After a Heart Attack

A heart attack can be a frightening, life-changing event. Returning to normal life after surviving a heart attack can be difficult. While the road to recovery can be overwhelming, most people can go on to experience normal lives while taking measures to prevent heart disease.

What to expect

In the event of a heart attack, … read more

Managing High Blood Pressure

Managing High Blood Pressure
Managing High Blood Pressure

What is High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure (also known as HBP or hypertension) is a condition in which the sustained force of blood against the artery walls is too high. Over time, the stress on the artery walls can cause damage to your body. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause damage to your organs and … read more

Compression Only CPR

Compression-Only CPR

Compression-Only CPR provides life-saving aid to victims of cardiac arrest. It is simple to perform and is also effective in saving lives. Compression-Only CPR is a life-saving technique and can be performed by almost anyone.

What is Cardiac Arrest?

Cardiac Arrest is the sudden loss of blood flow due to a failure of the heart to pump blood … read more

Signs and Symptoms of a Heart Attack

In the United States, a heart attack occurs every 40 seconds. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack as soon as possible can help save lives.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack (also known as myocardial infarction) occurs when blood flow to the heart stops or becomes severely restricted, depriving the heart of much-needed oxygen. As … read more

CPR History

CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation

While CPR techniques are continuing to evolve, the idea of performing life-saving techniques has been around for many years. Initially, resuscitation efforts focused on saving drowning victims. The first reference to successful mouth-to-mouth ventilation was actually in the Old Testament. However, The Paris Academy of Sciences made the first official recommendation to use … read more

Free CPR Classes

Take any CPR, AED, BLS or First Aid class for free

Free CPR, AED and First Aid Classes

At the American AED CPR Association, we want everyone to learn how to help save a life. Which is why we offer all of our classes for free. 

Free CPR Classes

We want everyone to learn CPR, which is why we offer all of our classes for free. It’s important for everyone to … read more