Group Discounts - Save at least 25% on CPR, First-Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens Certification Training

Free CPR Updates

Keep your knowledge of CPR, AED, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens up to date. Over the years, there have been many developments in CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. With Free Updates from AEDCPR, you can keep up to date with your lifesaving knowledge and skills. 

HOW IT WORKS: Simply sign up for our newsletter during checkout. Any time changes are made to any of our classes, we will let you know. All updates will be included in our classes. As usual, you will be able to return to our site and review the classes anytime you like, including any changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, unless you opt out of our newsletter. Whenever there is a change in CPR, AED, First Aid or Bloodborne Pathogens protocols, we will send an email with a summary of the update. You can return to review all or part of the class anytime you like.

 No, this is not a renewal. Our Free Updates are designed to help you stay up to date on current protocols. If you are required to have a current certification then you must still renew every 2 years.

 You can always review the entire class. You will also be able to review the test.

Accepted in all 50 states - 100% Money Back Guarantee

Online CPR Training

Online CPR and Online CPR Renewal

The American AEDCPR Association has been providing quality nationally accredited safety training for over 20 years. Our national network of instructors can provide CPR and AED training at your location or conveniently online.

The American AEDCPR Association can certify you online in CPR, AED, BLS, Basic First-Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens as well as continuing education credits. Our online CPR, AED, First Aid and Bloodborne Pathogens Certification courses include the Latest ECC Guidelines. You can learn CPR quickly and easily with AEDCPR's interactive online CPR certification class. AEDCPR's classes include video demonstrations of Adult CPR, Child CPR and Infant CPR. You can use our exclusive interactive online AED Demo to practice AED pad placement and use of an automatic external defibrillator.

  • CPR
    • Adult - 1 Rescuer
    • Adult - 2 Rescuer
    • Child
    • Infant
  • AED
    • Adult
    • Child 
    • Infant
  • Choking (Heimlich Maneuver)
    • Adult FBAO (Foreign Body Airway Obstruction)
    • Child
    • Infant

Online CPR Certification

Designed for anyone in need of CPR certification. Our courses will satisfy the requirements for Basic CPR, BLS, Healthcare Provider BLS, CPR-C Course, Professional Rescuer CPR and all AED certifications. This class covers the basics of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, foreign body airway obstruction (Heimlich Maneuver) and use of an Automated External Defibrillator.

Online First Aid Certification

Designed for anyone in need of First Aid Certification. Our First Aid courses will satisfy the requirements for Basic First Aid, Adult First Aid, Pediatric First Aid and Professional Rescuer First Aid certifications. This class covers the basics of medical emergencies, traumatic injuries, severe bleeding, minor bleeding, spinal injuries, broken bones, sprains, heat related injuries, cold related injuries, poisoning and more.

CPR/AED/First-Aid Combination

Designed for anyone in need of CPR, AED and First Aid Certification. These courses will satisfy the requirements for CPR, Professional Rescuer CPR, AED, Basic First Aid, Adult First Aid, Pediatric First Aid and Professional Rescuer First Aid certifications. This class covers the basics of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, foreign body airway obstruction (Heimlich Maneuver) and use of an Automated External Defibrillator medical emergencies, traumatic injuries, severe bleeding, minor bleeding, spinal injuries, broken bones, sprains, heat related injuries, cold related injuries, poisoning and more.

OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens

Designed for anyone in need of Bloodborne Pathogens Certification. This class covers universal precautions, PACT, exposure control plans, sharps, bio-hazards, reporting and OSHA standards.