
Online First Aid | Medical Emergencies

Medical Emergencies

Roles and Responsibilities of First Aid Rescuers

This chapter will cover first aid actions for various life-threatening medical emergencies.

Topics covered in this chapter include:

  • ● Respiratory problems
  • ● Choking
  • ● Allergic reactions
  • ● Heart attacks
  • ● Fainting
  • ● Diabetes and low blood sugar
  • ● Using an epinephrine pen
Provide first aid to a victim with a medical emergency


Asthma is a disease of the air passages. A person having an asthma attack will have trouble breathing.

Signs of Breathing Problems Due to Asthma

  • ● Breathing very fast or very slow
  • ● Having trouble with each breath
  • ● Noisy breathing- you hear a loud or whistling sound as air enters or leaves the person’s lungs.
  • ● Difficulty speaking. Only being able to make sounds or being unable to speak more than a few words at a time between breaths even though the person is trying to say more.

When someone has a breathing condition such as asthma, they often know about it and carry inhaler medicine which can help them breathe more easily within a few minutes of using it. Sometimes a person can have such a hard time breathing that they may need help using their inhaler. For this reason, it is important to be ready to assemble the inhaler and help them use it.

Assisting someone having an Asthma Attack

If someone is having difficulty breathing and you suspect an Asthma Attack

  • ● Make sure the scene is safe
  • ● Ask the person if they need help. If they do need help, ask them if they have medicine
  • ● If they do have medicine, get it for them. Then, you can assemble their inhaler and help them use it

Call 9-1-1 or Activate EMS if:

  • ● The person does not have medicine
  • ● Their breathing does not improve after using the medicine
  • ● Their breathing gets worse
  • ● They have trouble speaking
  • ● They become unresponsive

Stay with the victim until someone with more advanced training arrives and takes over.

Assembling and Using an Inhaler

Most inhalers are pre-assembled. Inhalers are composed of two main parts: the canister that contains the medicine and the mouthpiece. Sometimes a spacer can be attached to make it easier to inhale the medicine.

Follow these steps to assemble a typical inhaler:

  • ● Shake the medicine canister first
  • ● Put the medicine canister into the mouthpiece
  • ● Remove the cap on the mouthpiece
  • ● Attach the spacer if there is one available and if you know how
Rescue inhaler types and instructions for Asthma
Class: Adult/Pediatric First-Aid
Instructor: Mike Figuero
Publish Date: 2022-04-02
Last Updated: 2022-07-18