CPR/AED/First Aid Class | Perform Infant CPR
Begin Infant CPR
If the victim is not breathing and has no pulse, begin CPR. Leave one hand on the top of the victim’s head. Place the middle 2 fingers of your other hand on the center of the victim's chest just below the nipple line. Compress the victim's chest 1.5 inches, about 1/3 the depth of the chest cavity. Compress at a rate of 100-120 per minute. Perform 30 compressions and then give 2 breaths. After 5 cycles of 30 compressions and 2 breaths, reassess the victim starting with a pulse check. If necessary continue CPR with a compression to ventilation ratio of 30:2 and reassess after every 5 cycles.
Cover the victim’s mouth with your mouth, pinch the nose and breathe slowly. The breaths should take 1 ½ - 2 seconds. Provide 2 rescue breaths while watching for the chest to rise with each breath. The volume of air is just enough to make the chest rise.

Spinal/Cervical Injury
If you suspect a spinal or cervical injury, do not perform a head tilt/chin lift. Open the airway with the “Jaw Thrust Maneuver”. With the heals of your palms, stabilize the victim’s head. Then place the middle two fingers of each hand, under the bony projection of the jaw below each ear. Then thrust the jaw upward without moving the victim’s head. This will effectively open the victim’s airway.